About UsThe Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit association devoted to the study and enjoyment of numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at coinbooks.org SubscriptionsThose wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link MembershipThere is a membership application available on the web site Membership Application To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Print/Digital membership is $40 to addresses in the U.S., and $60 elsewhere. A digital-only membership is available for $25. For those without web access, write to: Jeff Dickerson, Treasurer AsylumFor Asylum mailing address changes and other membership questions, contact Jeff at this email address: treasurer@coinbooks.org SubmissionsTo submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor at this address: whomren@gmail.com BUY THE BOOK BEFORE THE COINSale CalendarWatch here for updates! |
Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
New subscribers this week include:
Howard Hodgson.
Welcome aboard! We now have 7,245 subscribers.
Thank you for reading The E-Sylum. If you enjoy it, please send me the email addresses of friends you think may enjoy it as well and I'll send them a subscription. Contact me at whomren@gmail.com anytime regarding your subscription, or questions, comments or suggestions about our content.
This week we open with one new book, updates from the Newman Numismatic Portal, notes from readers, Central States events, and more.
Other topics this week include Hell Money, medieval Mediterranean coinage, relief etching, the S.S. Central America treasure, electrotypes, fixed price and auction selections, my numismatic diary, the Crown Coin, Emperor Norton I, and the Golden Age of Hobbies.
To learn more about Bonanza Books, BEX Engraving, Trump Trinkets, sculptor Paul Jenuwine, Mayan jade beads, the Byron Reed Collection, the 1856 Sampson Medal, Leonard Baskin, Robert Ready, Richard August, Venezuelan 500 mil Bolivar notes, minters for coin club medals, the coins of Domitian, the Colored Seal Notes of Colonial Georgia, and the National Bank Notes from Wahoo, Nebraska, read on. Have a great week, everyone!
Wayne Homren
Editor, The E-Sylum
The all-new 2026 Red Book is on its way to distributors. Here's the press release. -Editor
Whitman Brands™ announces distributor shipments of the all-new,
completely reimagined 2026 Red Book have left the Alabama distribution center. All print formats,
including Kindle e-book, will be available in all major retail outlets starting April 8, 2025. A limited
number of copies will be available for sale at the upcoming Whitman Expos™ Spring Show, March
27-29, 2025, in Baltimore, Maryland. Additionally, Jeff Garrett and John Feigenbaum, Red Book
editors and co-hosts of the Red Book Podcast on YouTube (now in its 6th episode), will be available
Friday at 11am EST for a special book signing session.
This year's release of the Red Book, now in its 79th edition, features a complete redesign from cover to cover, larger 6 x 9" format with an intuitive layout, more than 12,000 listings, updated market values in up to nine grades using Collector's Price Guide (CPG®) Retail pricing, GSID? catalog numbers, updated research, the latest mint data, and much more.
Collectors will notice several key interior enhancements over the previous year's edition. Circulation and Proof-strike charts have been separated and Type-coin value charts added to each coin type, where applicable. The "Private and Territorial Gold" chapter has more than doubled to provide greater depth, while the "Commemoratives" chapter was updated to better align with market conventions and are now grouped by denomination and listed by names collectors know them by.
John Feigenbaum, Publisher and President/CEO of Whitman Brands shared his enthusiasm, saying "The evolution of this year's edition has been truly awesome to watch, successful only because of the effort and collaboration by the editorial, pricing, design, purchasing, marketing, sales, and distribution teams." He added, "I can't wait for collectors to get their hands on a copy of a 2026 edition—it promises to deliver an elevated experience for collectors of all levels!" Special thanks to Jeff Garrett, Dianna Plattner, Matthew Heller, Matt Jeffirs, Patrick Ian Perez, and Billie Blattel for their contributions to this year's redesign.
Just like previous editions, readers will expand their knowledge with in-depth coverage of Colonial and early American coins; Federal coins, including modern series like the latest American Women quarters, Native American dollars, and American Innovation dollars; Commemoratives, Proof coins, and Mint sets; Territorial gold, Civil War tokens, and other historical pieces; Puerto Rican, Philippine, and Hawaiian coins; Silver, gold, platinum, and palladium bullion coins; and Error coins, Patterns, and more.
Other new additions include fun-fact spotlights, a regular and fully illustrated case study in the "Grading U.S. Coins" section (this edition's focus: Morgan Dollars), and the "Collector's Notebook" which covers a changing array of current issues in the hobby (this edition's subject: Misinformation in Numismatics).
"Initial feedback for this year's release has been overwhelmingly positive and pre-orders are up from last year," said Dawn Burbank, Vice President of Sales and Operations. "So far, all our distributors, national accounts, and dealers like the larger 6x9" format, the addition of a softcover to the lineup, and the pop of the 4-color art on the hardcover."
Key Enhancements for 2026:
Published by Whitman®, the most trusted name in numismatic literature, all four formats (hardcover, softcover, spiral-bound, and large spiral-bound) can be purchased through Whitman.com, Whitman's Ebay Store, Amazon, and Walmart.com, and bookstores, hobby shops, and other retailers nationwide starting April 8, 2025. Pre-orders are available now.
For more information about upcoming releases, as well as numismatic folders, albums, and supplies, visit whitman.com. For more information on the Spring Whitman Expo, visit expo.whitman.com.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Newman Numismatic Portal Project Coordinator Len Augsburger provided this offer for numismatic bibliophiles and researchers. -Editor
Newman Library Remainders Now Freely Available to Hobby Community
Following the Heritage Auctions' sales of the frontline portions of the Eric P. Newman numismatic library in 2018 and 2024, the Eric P. Newman Numismatic Education Society (EPNNES) is now freely deaccessioning its library remainders to the numismatic public. The remainders consist primarily of modern American auction sale catalogs and periodicals, in addition to archival materials from the Newman museums and a wide variety of reference works. Materials scanned since the advent of the Newman Numismatic Portal (NNP) are voluminous, and EPNNES wishes to continue to grow its digital presence, rather than maintaining a physical collection.
Eric P. Newman collected not only coins and paper money but further collected libraries. Beginning with the Burdette G. Johnson library in 1947, Newman acquired libraries from multiple individuals and institutions. The sheer mass of material was never completely consolidated, so searching through the library as it stands today is somewhat of a treasure hunt, and there is no doubt a surprise or two remaining in the stacks.
While we are unable to accommodate requests to search for individual items, collectors are invited to visit the library in St. Louis and to take any material of interest. Higher priority will be given to those intending to remove large portions of the collection. The library is currently housed at Washington University in St. Louis at the West Campus location (7425 Forsyth Boulevard). A loading dock is available. Viewing is by appointment only, please contact NNP Project Coordinator Len Augsburger (leonard.augsburger@wustl.edu) for further information.
The David Lisot Video Library on the Newman Numismatic Portal can be found at:
We highlight one of his videos each week in The E-Sylum. Here's one from 2009 with Walt Ostromecki about Hell Banknotes. -Editor
The Chinese believe when people die, their spirits go to an afterlife. Their relatives send them prayers, presents, and one of the best things, money, or HELL BANK NOTES. These paper collectibles have found their own niche with specialty currency collectors. Dr. Walt Ostromecki is a prolific numismatic researcher and author. He currently serves on the ANA Board of Governors.
Speaker(s): Walter Ostromecki.
To watch the complete video, see:
Banknotes of the Afterlife
Banknotes of the Afterlife
Last week Mike Costanzo asked about Bonanza Press. He wrote, "They were a small California-based publisher that published numerous numismatic books in the early to mid 1970's. Most of their publications were inexpensive guidebook-related small format hardcovers. They also published Q. David Bowers' first edition of Coins and Collectors in 1974. Other than that, Bonanza never seemed to have published anything groundbreaking," -Editor
David Fanning writes:
"The first edition of "Coins & Collectors" was published in 1964 by Windsor Research Publications (a branch of Empire Coin Company). Bonanza later reissued it. They also published second printings of Bowers's "Put Another Nickel In" and "Early American Car Advertisements" following the much smaller first printings."
Pete Smith writes:
"I have a copy of Pillars & Portraits by Robert P. Harris. The publisher was Bonanza Press / Box 820, Cupertino, California 95014. I can't help with them.
"I also have a copy of Coins and Collectors by Q. David Bowers. The publisher of that book is Bonanza Books, a division of Crown Publishers, Inc., 419 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10016.
"On the other side of my library, I have a copy of The Civil War by Bruce Catton. It is also published by Bonanza Books, a division of Crown Publishers, Inc. The Bowers book weighs twelve ounces. The Catton book weighs five pounds.
"Open Library states that Bonanza Books published 598 books between 1776 and 2024. I don't have all of them."
So the key was learning that Bonanza is/was a division of a larger mainstream publishing house. And Pete discovered that fact by looking in a physical book, not online. Kudos! I have two copies of the Bowers book, both signed first editions, not the Bonanza edition.
So naturally, I used "What is the history of Bonanza Books, a division of Crown Publishers?" as a prompt to an AI chatbot. Here's the response. -Editor
Bonanza Books was an imprint of Crown Publishers, which itself has a fascinating history. Crown Publishers was founded in 1933 as the Outlet Book Company by Nat Wartels and Bob Simon. Initially, it focused on selling overstock and remaindered books but later expanded into reprints and original publications under the Crown name. Bonanza Books became known for publishing reprints of out-of-print titles, particularly in non-fiction genres like history, art, and collectibles.
Crown Publishers was acquired by Random House in 1988 and eventually became part of Penguin Random House. Over the years, Crown has operated various imprints, including Bonanza Books, which contributed to its reputation for offering a wide range of accessible and engaging titles.
That seems to fit - Bonanza published reprints of books on collectibles, which describes both of the numismatic books discussed. This will require some fact-checking of course, but the tool I used (Microsoft Copilot) provided footnotes linked to sources including Open Library, Fandom, and Wikipedia.
Thanks, everyone! Interesting question (and answer). Which begs the next question - who were the other major publishers of numismatic book reprints? -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: MARCH 11, 2025 : Query: Bonanza Press
Banknote Math
Martin Purdy of New Zealand writes:
"It looks like something went a little amiss in the original press release regarding the issue of the new Iranian "200,000 toman" note. The illustration shows a 2-million *rial* note, and the proposed toman (never sure if that ever got completely off the ground) was supposed to be worth 10,000 rials - that explains why the last four zeroes are in a lighter colour (2 million rials = 200 tomans).
"I had a look at both sides of the new note on banknotenews.com and "toman" isn't mentioned anywhere on the note (it's rials in both English and Persian), so the "toman" part is just reflected by implication in the number shading and the short number 200 at the bottom. But the reference in the press release to 200,000 tomans is out by a factor of 1,000.
"The note itself is a bit of a mess as a result of all that so it's hardly surprising some wires got crossed!"
Thanks. Here's the other side of the note. -Editor
To see the full note on Banknote News, see:
Iran 2,000,000-rial cheque (B303a) confirmed
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
More U.S. Coin and Medal Makers
In January Justin Perrault asked about minters for coin club medals. -Editor
Eric Holcomb of the Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association (PNNA) writes:
"Although I don't have a comprehensive list, there are other private mints besides the three the author mentioned (Osborne Mint in Cincinnati, Landis Studios in Arkansas, and Daniel Carr – Moonlight Mint).
"Others include BEX Engraving, Hoffman Mint, Medalcraft Mint and Ranger Industries. Whenever I find out about a private mint, I try to list it on the PNNA's "Other Links" page at https://www.pnna.org/wp/links/other-links/ (so now I've got a couple more to add)!
"The PNNA last used BEX for its 75th anniversary medals 10 years ago, and the Boeing Employees' Coin Club still uses them for its annual medals depicting Boeing products. When the PNNA used BEX, the obverse of the medal was designed by former U.S. Mint sculptor-engraver Thomas D. Rogers. But that was 10 years ago. I'm not sure if he still designs any medals. See https://pnna.org/catalog/images/PNNA_75th_set_obv.jpg for a photo of the PNNA medals. An adaptation of this design (without the canoe) is the basis of the current PNNA logo.
"Anyway, if readers come up with any other reasonable private mint choices in the U.S., I will add them to the PNNA's list."
Eric adds:
"I just found another U.S.-based manufacturer of custom coins and challenge coins - https://coinsforanything.com/, and I purchased one of their items on eBay. I will add them to my PNNA list, making a total of eight. There should be plenty of choices for clubs wanting some type of medal or challenge coin."
Thank you! -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: JANUARY 19, 2025 : Medals for Coin Clubs
Collecting Trump Trinkets
Richard Lobel of Coincraft in London writes:
"I saw the article about Trump banknotes. I have been collecting these fantasy notes, but only those printed in China. Now have about 90 different in my collection also about 150 different medallions, two toilet brushes, T-shirts, stickers etc. All done in China. Hope to eventually publish the collection, which is quite large as 'China Sells Trump' as everything has to have been made in China."
Now we know who's buying all that stuff... Good luck with the collection! It would be interesting to see the variety and quality of items. But toilet brushes? I guess those could appeal to buyers across the political spectrum. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
Zinc Lobby Math
Bill Daehn writes:
"The March 16 issue of The E-Sylum included an item "Will the Mint Lose Money Without the Cent?" This article suggests that stopping cent production would cost the US government more because the increased cost of minting nickels would outstrip any savings from ending the cent. This is completely illogical and is an error that should not be made by an organization calling itself "Americans for Common Cents." If we stop minting cents, total costs to the government will decrease due to less materials used, less labor, less maintenance costs, etc. Yes, the remaining overhead costs of running the mint will then be allocated to a lesser number of coins being minted, thus increasing the allocated "per item" cost of each coin. But this is irrelevant. The point is that total costs will decrease, saving money for taxpayers.
"And despite the claim that demand for nickels will be greater, forcing increased minting of nickels, there is no reason to jump to that conclusion. Billions of cents will remain in circulation for decades. Of course the next thing is that someone in Congress will argue that we must stop minting nickels because the allocated "per item" cost now far exceeds face value. So what? If total costs have declined, the "per item" cost is irrelevant. If we really want to save taxpayer money, just stop minting coins completely. Not a bad idea!"
Fairy-tale lobbyist math is hard to follow, and that's usually the point. Sow fear and doubt. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
LOOSE CHANGE: MARCH 11, 2025 : Will the Mint Lose Money Without the Cent?
Paul Manship Plaque
Tony Terranova passed along photos of this terracotta plaque of Paul Manship by fellow sculptor Paul Jenuwine. Thanks - very nice! -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Mayan Jade Beads
Ted Puls writes:
"I was enjoying a used book store last week and spotted a book about the MAYA called The Mysterious Maya by George E. Stuart and Gene Stuart, National Geographic Society, 1977. On page 28 I spotted some green beads. These green jade beads were the high value money of the Mayan's until Spanish gold currency took over. The picture had nine beads just like my set suggesting to me that this number has some yet unknown (to me) meaning. The label on my beads suggested "Mexican jade beads" (likely Guatemalan jade). Ethnographic money collectors need to be bibliomaniacs with widely spread book resources to add enjoyment to the hobby."
Indeed. Thanks. -Editor
Query: 1907 New Orleans Custom House Receipt
Ted Puls adds:
"I found this note in a box that I am having fun exploring. It seems to connect to the emergency money of the fall of 1907 in the style of printing, but is dated in the spring if my very limited French is working. It has the name of the "house of French emergency fund 17 street of September Quarter Paris second arrondissement or district. Money has been received at a customs house in New Orleans. And something to the effect of being able to draw up for two years- suggesting a wine connection or maybe just money. I wonder if there is any book on such items."
Great question - I've never seen one of these. Readers? -Editor
This press release announces featured exhibits and other events at next month's convention of the Central States Numismatic Society. -Editor
Collectors' exhibits return, two Midwest museums will have displays, and a limited number of free ANACS-encapsulated Nebraska Homestead commemorative quarter-dollars with special insert labels will be featured attractions at the Central States Numismatic Society convention (convention@CSNS.org). The show will be in the Chicago suburb of Schaumburg, Illinois, April 24-26, 2025.
The Higgins Museum of National Bank Notes will display rare Nebraska money at booth #2200 as part of the CSNS multi-year program to honor all 13 states that comprise the organization's geographical area.
"Nebraska is the second state we're recognizing following last year's salute to Iowa," explained CSNS President Mitch Ernst.
The Higgins Museum of National Bank Notes (www.TheHigginsMuseum.org) located in Okoboji, Iowa will have a four-case exhibit of historic Nebraska paper money.
"The display will have examples from the museum's collection of Large Size and Small Size notes including a cut sheet of four ($10, $10, $10, and $20) notes from the First National Bank of Wood River. There also will be the museum's Number 1 Red Seal $5 note from the First National Bank of Clarks," explained Museum Curator George Cuhaj.
The exhibit's name is "C Nebraska" in recognition of several $100 denomination notes -- a denomination popularly nicknamed "C notes" -- in the display.
The Durham Museum in Omaha, Nebraska (www.DurhamMuseum.org) will have an informative display at booth #2201 with photographs of rare money in the historic collection housed at the museum.
"Visitors can learn about Omaha's Byron Reed Collection, a varied set of coins and paper currency from a 19th century businessman and pioneer," said Kristen Rowley, the museum's Collection Manager.
"The collection will remain in Nebraska, but the display will feature images and information regarding the different facets of the collection," explained Rowley.
"This includes Sutler tokens, pattern coins, ancient coins, territorial gold, Washingtonia, assay medals, and more. Visitors also can learn about some of the major highlights in the collection, including Byron Reed's prized 1804 Class I Draped Bust silver dollar that he acquired around 1890," she said.
After a two-year hiatus, collectors' exhibits will return to the CSNS convention.
"We are especially looking for exhibits with a Nebraska theme this year," explained Jack Huggins, CSNS Secretary/Treasurer and 2025 Exhibits Chairman.
"So far, we have collectors who will have exhibits on Obsolete Currency of Nebraska; Nebraska Centennial Medal Process Set; Types of Nebraska Centennial Medals; and Hometown Currency - National Bank Notes from Wahoo, Nebraska," he said.
Collectors who want to exhibit can get an application at the CSNS website, www.CSNS.org.
Convention attendees also have a chance to receive a complimentary Nebraska-themed quarter dollar.
"While supplies last, we'll be giving away to each visitor at the convention a mint condition 2015 Homestead National Monument of America quarter-dollar issued as part of the United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters® Program. Donated by Littleton Coin Company (www.LittletonCoin.com), each coin commemorating the Beatrice, Nebraska landmark has been certified by ANACS (www.ANACS.com) with a distinctive special CSNS insert label in the holder," Ernst said.
The Newman Numismatic Portal (https://nnp.wustl.edu) educational seminar at the convention will feature Mark Engler, former Superintendent of Homestead National Historical Park. He will present his behind-the-scenes perspectives on the experience of design, production, and scheduling a release ceremony for the Homestead quarter while he was superintendent at the park.
CSNS convention attendees will also have the opportunity to have counterfeit coins they unwittingly purchased marked with the conspicuous, incused word "COPY."
"This will make the fakes legal to own in compliance with the Hobby Protection Act. As a public service, the non-profit Anti-Counterfeiting Educational Foundation (www.ACEFonline.org) will properly mark COPY on up to three counterfeit coins per owner free of charge at the ACEF bourse table #A9," said ACEF Executive Director Beth Deisher.
Heritage Auctions (www.HA.com), booth #800, is the Official Auctioneer for the 86th Annual CSNS Convention.
"The auction will be brimming with exceptional coins, a trove that will include treasures from The Bruce S. Sherman Collection, Part II," said Steve Lansdale, Heritage Auctions Senior Public Relations and Communications Specialist.
Among the auctions highlights will be four exceptional coins featured in the award-winning reference book, 100 Greatest U.S. Coins:
There will be a young numismatist's scavenger hunt on Saturday, April 26, between 10 am and 2:00 pm.
"Each child gets a ‘goodie bag' with some nice numismatic items in it," said CSNS Convention Manager Cindy Wibker. "Admission to the show is free each day for attendees ages 17 and under, $15 for adults. Beginning at noon on Saturday everyone gets in free, so parents can bring the kids and the entire family gets in free for the final hours."
The 2025 CSNS convention will be held at the same site as in recent years, the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center, 1551 North Thoreau Drive, in Schaumburg, Illinois.
Discount hotel room rates of $177 per night (plus taxes) are available at the conveniently adjoining Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel. Room reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at 847-303-4100 or booked online at https://book/passkey.com/go/CentralState.
Additional information about the CSNS 86th annual convention will be announced in the coming weeks and posted online at www.CSNS.org/convention. Information is also available by contacting Convention Manager Cindy Wibker by phone at 407-221-8737 or by email at convention@CSNS.org.
Also at the Central States show in April, new artwork honoring Augustus Saint-Gaudens will be revealed at PNG's dinner. Here's the press release. -Garrett
The first unveiling of a new artwork celebrating the creative genius of Augustus Saint-Gaudens will be held during the Professional Numismatists Guild (www.PNGdealers.org) awards dinner on Wednesday, April 23, 2025, at Morton's Steakhouse in Schaumburg, Illinois. Attendees will have the exclusive opportunity in a silent auction to acquire the remarkable signed and numbered artwork entitled, "Golden Splendor—The 1907 Saint-Gaudens High Relief Double Eagle."
"This exquisite creation is the result of an extraordinary collaboration between Robert Julian, a renowned numismatic artist celebrated for his intricate and historically rich coin drawings, and Robert Lamb, an acclaimed artist specializing in large-format acrylic paintings that capture breathtaking detail and emotion," explained PNG Executive Director John Feigenbaum. "Together, they have reimagined one of the most iconic coins in American history: the 1907 Saint-Gaudens High Relief Double Eagle, bringing its timeless beauty to life on a grand scale."
Valued at $1,500 to $3,000, attendees at the dinner will have an opportunity to participate in a silent auction for the first signed and numbered full-size 24 by 32 inches print. It is a limited-edition series of just 25 giclée on canvas pieces that each have an antique Art Nouveau lacquer finish. If interested, collectors can ask their participating PNG dealer to bid on their behalf.
The original artwork will also be on display for guests to admire, showcasing the exceptional detail and artistry behind this unique collaborative creation.
"The PNG publicly recognizes outstanding achievements in the hobby and the profession by honoring deserving recipients with prestigious awards each year. We are excited to include the unveiling of this artwork as part of our event," said PNG President James Sego.
"The Designer Series is my way of honoring the artistic legacy of some of history's greatest coins," said Robert Julian. "Collaborating with Robert Lamb has brought these designs to life in a new and breathtaking way. We couldn't be more excited to share this first piece with such a distinguished audience."
During the day on April 23 prior to the awards dinner, the PNG will host a dealers-only PNG Dealer Day show in conjunction with the 86th annual Central States Numismatic Society (www.CSNS.org) convention, April 24-26.
For additional information about the Guild, the 2025 PNG Day and awards dinner and auction, contact Tina Bellanca at PNG headquarters by phone at 951-587-8300 or by email at info@PNGdealers.org.
Princeton Firestone Library Curator of Numismatics Alan Stahl is giving an introductory online course in June on the coinage of the medieval Mediterranean. -Editor
The Summer Skills Seminar, "Medieval Numismatics: An Introduction" will be held via Zoom from Monday, 23 June to Thursday, 26 June 2025 from 10am to noon and 1pm to 3pm MDT.
This Summer Skills Seminar will introduce participants to the dynamic interactions of Roman and Sasanian coinages in the Late Antique period, which gave way to the tripartite division of Latin, Byzantine, and Islamic coinages of the succeeding centuries. We will examine how these three coinages developed and interacted through the later medieval centuries, laying the groundwork for the modern monetary systems.
Each student will choose a coin of the period from an online or personal collection and share with the group the circumstances of the minting of the coin, the state of scholarship on the coinage, and a report on the circulation of the coinage from the evidence of hoards and excavations. Major analytical methodologies will be explained along with a chronological survey of Mediterranean coinages from the sixth through fifteenth centuries. No prior experience with numismatics is expected.
Course overview
Coinage was a part of the lives of virtually all inhabitants of the regions around the Mediterranean from late antiquity to the later Middle Ages. Coins served as a means of pay, of commerce, of savings, and were one of the few emanations of their government that medieval people experienced in daily life. This course will begin with an overview of the Late Roman coinage, which lived on in the coinage of the Byzantine Empire, and in the gold coinage of the Islamic states. In the same period, the Sasanian coinage of Persia gave way to the silver Islamic coinage. In Mediterranean Europe, new coinages sprang up, based often on local rather than national polities. The course will examine the later development of the Byzantine, Islamic, and Mediterranean European coinages, with special emphasis on the interactions of the three coinage traditions during the Crusading period.
Topics Covered
The minting, circulation, and economic aspects of medieval coinage will be explored. There will be an introduction to the use of die study, metrology, and chemical analysis in the study of medieval coinages. The reading of legends (inscriptions) of medieval coins will be explained as will be the practice of immobilization, the repetition of old and inaccurate information on coins. The contributions of hoard and excavation study to knowledge of the minting and circulation of medieval coinages will be discussed. Such topics as coin debasement, Gresham's Law, and the challenges of bimetallic monetary systems will be explained with medieval examples. The general developments of the three coinage traditions will be illustrated with examples, as will the imitation and cross-adaptation of coinages among Byzantine, Islamic and European minters.
The regular application period is until April 28.
Applicants will be advised of acceptance by May 5. Payment is due on May 12. Applicants waiting on a grant or subvention may request an extension for the second payment.
For more information, see:
Medieval Mediterranean Coinage: An Introduction"
Mediterranean Studies Summer Skills Seminar
23–26 June 2025
Here's a pair of short entries from Dick Johnson's Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Terminology. -Editor
Relief Etching. A method of producing raised relief by dissolving away all incuse surface area with acid leaving the wanted raised area undisturbed. This is accomplished by coating the surface with a wax forming an etching ground and scraping away the area to have the incuse area eaten away by acid. Such a piece has no modulated relief – it is a flat original surface with incuse design areas. See acid etching, photoetching.
Relieved, Relieving. Removal of a portion of a darkened medallic finish after it has been toned to form a highlighted, two-toned effect. Relieving is accomplished by buffing as a step in the finishing process. A slurry mixture of water and fine pumice is flooded over the surface of an oxidized metal surface, it is then buffed under a wet wheel to remove the darkened oxidation (sulphatization), this reveals a portion of the darkened surface left intact in the crevices and low points. The process is called oxidized and relieved to form an antique, oxidized or French finish (the French developed it) – all three terms mean the same. See buffing and polishing; oxidation; finish and finishing; highlight, highlighting.
To read the complete entries on the Newman Numismatic Portal, see:
Relief Etching
Relieved, Relieving
E-Sylum Feature Writer and American Numismatic Biographies author Pete Smith submitted this third and final article on national hero and serial medal recipient Thomas Sampson. Thank you! -Editor
In 1904, workers were excavating for construction of a subway power house near Eleventh Avenue between Fifty-Eighth and Fifty-Ninth streets in Manhattan. A workman dug up a large silver medal, took it home to clean it and returned to turn it over to the son of former police Captain John Delaney.
Delaney recognized the name on the medal as Thomas Sampson. He knew that Charles H. Phillips, a records keeper at the police headquarters, was the brother of James C. Phillips, who was married to Cornelia Sampson, daughter of Thomas. The medal was sent to Cornelia, residing at Mount Vernon, New York.
The medal was presented to Sampson in 1856 by the Life Savings Benevolent Association of New York (LSBANY). The medal is 51.1 mm diameter and should contain about 41 grams of .999 silver. It was struck by Tiffany & Co., with dies attributed to George Hampton Lovett.
The obverse shows a ship foundering in the surf. On the shore is a refuge station while workers use a Lyle gun to fire a lifeline to the ship. Around the inner border near the top is the legend "LIFE SAVING BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK." In the exergue is "INC 29th of MARCH / 1849."
The reverse has an oak wreath and legend: "VITA FELICIBUS AUSIS SERVATA." This translates from the Latin as, "Human Life Saved by Successful Daring Deeds." The central field is engraved:
The presentation was mentioned in the New York Tribune of August 23, 1856. The article reported, "During the last few years Mr. Thomas Sampson, an officer attached to the Chief's bureau but appointed from the Eighteenth Ward, has rescued no less than six persons who has, by their own imprudence or by accident, fallen into the docks. In some of these instances this officer has jeopardized his life to save those of his fellows."
The Association transmitted the medal by letter to the chief of police to be presented to Sampson.
In 1855, New York Mayor Fernando Wood presented Sampson with a silver medal for saving four lives but no water rescues were described. I have been unable to find contemporary descriptions of any of the water rescues cited in awards.
The 1888 lifesaving medal awarded by Congress was reported as his sixteenth medal. Obituaries written in 1901 mention the sixteen medals. There is no mention of any lost medal.
In 1886, Congress passed an Act to grant a gold medal to Thomas Sampson. This required verification of the lifesaving events honored. Sampson was not able to provide eyewitnesses to the events thirty some years earlier.
In 1888, Congress passed a second Act. It was reported that Sampson used two medals as verification. These had been presented by the Life Saving Benevolent Association of New York for his lifesaving acts in 1854 and 1856. While Thompson is credited with saving at least thirteen lives, only the five noted on the LSBANY medals were mentioned on the Congressional Gold Medal.
This verifies that the two LSBANY medals were in the possession of Sampson in 1888. Other reports say he kept the medals in a safe at the Sub Treasury or at a safe at the house of a friend.
How did the one medal get to the excavation site in 1904 and what happened to all the rest of the Thompson medals? As William Shatner would say, "the answers remain, unexplained." (A TV show catchphrase)
For some people a gold medal is like a cash award. Heirs who receive gold medals may choose to have them melted to receive the value in cash. There is a high probability that the Sampson medals have been melted.
I have not found any past record of sale of the Sampson medals. If they came up for auction today, these recent articles might provide added value.
If the Sampson medals were unique and lost or destroyed, is there any value to these recent articles? Will anyone care about the story for a medal that does not exist?
In 1901, the U. S. Navy instituted an award for service in the West Indies during the Spanish American War. The Sampson medal is named for Admiral William Thomas Thompson and is unrelated to New York Captain Thomas Sampson.
Numismatic research is by nature uncertain - if you already knew the answer you wouldn't be looking for one. In this case, Pete was unable to locate any reference to the current existence of Sampson's medals, but the journey is almost always worthwhile. E-Sylum readers and I all learned a lot about Honest Tom Sampson, the Life Savings Benevolent Association of New York and its medals, as well as the lifesaving medals issued by the U.S. Congress.
We can never rule out whether one or more of Sampson's medals will turn up someday. And if that happens some future cataloguer will likely turn to Pete's articles for information. For an example of such a lost-lost medal discovery, look no further than the one-of-a-kind Daniel Morgan gold Comitia Americana medal that surfaced in 2022 after having been generations in hiding.
What are some other examples of numismatic items referenced in the literature that were unknown until an example suddenly showed up? -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
In January, our good friend Bob Evans began publishing a series of blog articles on the Finest Known website detailing his experience as co-discoverer and curator of the treasures recovered from the wreck of the S.S. Central America. Subject of the book "Ship of Gold", many exhibits, countless interviews and articles, books and auction catalogs feature the legendary haul of gold coins, bars, nuggets, gold dust and more from the 1857 shipwreck. Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
It was October 5, 1989, and my crewmates and I had brought ashore over a ton of gold to the dock in Norfolk, Virginia. We were met by US Marshals, since legal activity regarding our find was adjudicated in the US District Court in Norfolk. Local law enforcement was fully represented (of course,) seemingly every high-powered, elite unit of the Norfolk Police. They had snipers on nearby rooftops monitoring the action. Armed Brinks agents posed with their vehicle, right next to the dock, ready to whisk the gold off to secure storage as soon as it could be loaded into the armored truck. There was also a very large crowd of happy investors, family, friends, and the award-winning marching band from Herndon, VA High School.
Our research vessel, the Arctic Discoverer had finished its 1989 season, a very successful season, and it was time to proclaim our discovery to the world. We had located the greatest lost treasure in United States history, and now we were going to show it off.
In the hours as we steamed into Hampton Roads and toward the berth at Norfolk, I was frantically working below decks, preparing the treasure for the dockside transfer to Brinks, and selecting a representative group of gold coins and bars to present to the eyes and cameras of the world. It was 67 hours and 45 minutes from the time we left the shipwreck site until we docked at Norfolk. The task of preparing the ton of gold we had in the shipboard vault, and sealing it into manageable-weight portable containers, entirely consumed my time and focus. I managed to sleep maybe six or seven hours over the three days. Our onshore personnel had arranged as much advanced publicity as they could, and news helicopters (and I assume police aircraft as well) hovered over our ship as we neared the harbor. Local and national media were present. We knew a large crowd awaited us.
I think it is fair to say that our company was necessarily secretive during the 80s and 90s. There were competitor claimants to the treasure. Insurance companies filed suit at the same time we were coming ashore with the treasure. There were rival salvors who had challenged our rights to the site in a landmark legal case beginning in 1987. We used technology employing a whole host of trade secrets. But we tried to maintain the public excitement about the project to a certain degree.
After the big splash in Norfolk, there were television shows. We were invited to show the treasure to the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. I was tapped to be the personality for this show rather than Thompson. I had a much greater ease with cameras, and spontaneous answers without pregnant pauses. I could always steer an interview back to science and history, looking to entertain while I informed. The show with Johnny Carson, April 10, 1991, was definitely one of the highlights of my professional experience. I took a number of gold pieces to show, including the largest ingot we had recovered up to that time, the mammoth 754-ounce Justh & Hunter ingot #4051.
Check out the full article for much more, including the traveling "Ship of Gold" exhibit and Bob's appearance on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Bob finished the first episode with this paragraph, neatly summarizing his key role and that of the ship. -Editor
I am immensely fortunate in being connected with the S.S. Central America treasure for the past 41 years. As a scientist, the subject is wonderful and multi-disciplinary: geology, oceanography, biology, metallurgy, along with the roots of math, physics, and chemistry. The historical story is rich and varied as well, and the artifacts we found relate part of the story not previously told in print. The 1850s were pivotal for the United States. The California Gold Rush, the explosive growth of American economic power, and the idea of the steamship route connecting in Panama, brought enormous prosperity, as people from different backgrounds and different localities converged in the California melting pot. With an almost endless storehouse of information and experiences, I look forward to continuing to share my perspectives with others, in this blog and elsewhere. I hope you enjoy reading about it, as I have enjoyed living it.
To read the complete article, see:
Treasure Talk: Episode 1 – Outreach
For the complete series, see:
Category Archives: Treasure Talk with Bob Evans
Atlas Numismatics has updated their website with 211 new coins, medals, and tokens at fixed prices. Select items are discussed below. -Garrett
1081349 | GREEK. PTOLEMAIC KINGS OF EGYPT. Ptolemy I Soter. (Pharaoh, 305/4-282 BC). Struck circa 306-300 BC. AR Tetradrachm. NGC AU (About Uncirculated) Strike 4/5 Surface 5/5 Overstruck. Alexandria. 15.69gm. Diademed head of Alexander the Great right, wearing elephant-scalp headdress / A?EZANAPOY. Athena Alkidemos advancing right, holding shield and wielding javelin, Corinthian helmet, ?? monogram and eagle on right. Svoronos 169; SNG Cop. 30; CPE 72; Lathe Biosas S.-678 (this piece).
Ex Münzen und Medaillen AG Auction 85 (Basel 1997) Lot 147.
To read the complete item description, see:
Attractive Ptolemy I Tetradrachm
1081794 | AUSTRIAN STATES. Salzburg. Paris von Lodron. (Prince-Archbishop, 1619-1653). 1628 A V 10 Ducats. PCGS MS61. 34.80gm. PARIS…. Eight bishops carrying a reliquary in a procession; all within wreath / St. Rupert and St. Virgil flanking a facade of the cathedral on the date side; cardinals arms below; all within a wreath. KM 132; Fr.-729; Probst 1045. One-year type struck for the consecration of the Cathedral of St. Rupert.
To read the complete item description, see:
Mint State Salzburg 10 Ducats
1082038 | GREAT BRITAIN. William IV. (King, 1830-1837). 1831 A V Two Pounds. PCGS PR64DCAM (Deep Cameo). Edge: Plain. GULIELMUS IIII D:G:BRITANNIAR: REX F:D:. First bust, right / Arms within crowned mantle. KM 718. Proof; SCBC-3828; Friedberg 382; W&R 258 (R3). From a reported mintage of just 225 pieces.
To read the complete item description, see:
1831 Proof Two Pounds
1081496 | NETHERLANDS. Gelderland. 1638 AR 48 Stuivers, Lion Daalder. PCGS MS63. MO ARG PRO (CO(N) - F(OE) BEL(G) GEL. Armored knight looking right above lion shield / CONFIDENS DNO NON MOVETVR. Rampant lion left, date at top in legend. KM 15.1; Delmonte 825; CNM 2.17.107; Dav.-4849. Attractively toned; most examples are heavily conserved.
To read the complete item description, see:
Choice Lion Dollar
1081524 | NETHERLANDS. Utrecht. 1750 AR 10 Stuivers, 1/2 Gulden. PCGS MS63PL (Prooflike). MO : ARG : ORD : FOED : ... Crowned arms of Utrecht divide value X - St /HACNITIMVR HANCTVEMVR. Standing figure leaning on column, holding pole with cap. KM 110; Delmonte 1203; CNM 2.43.124; HPM Ut 75. Extremely unusual example with fully prooflike surfaces (noted as such by PCGS)
To read the complete item description, see:
Unusual Prooflike 10 Suivers
Updates to their online inventory are issued monthly.
For more information and to sign up for the firm's monthly newsletter, visit:
Jeremy Bostwick with Numismagram forwarded these four items from his upload of new medallic art to his site. For all of the new items, please visit https://www.numismagram.com/inventory. Another great group! -Editor
102737 | ITALY. Vatican City. St. Peter's Basilica bronze Medal. Issued 1857. Most Remarkable Edifices of Europe series (59mm, 90.45 g, 12h). By Jacques Wiener in Brussels and struck at the Geerts mint in Ixelles. BASILICA DI S. PIETRO A ROMA, perspective view of the eastern façade of the exterior of the Basilica, from a viewpoint just to the left of center // Perspective view of the interior looking down the nave toward the baldacchino; in four lines in exergue, DA GIULIO II INCOMINCIATA / NEL MDVI / DA PAOLO V COMPIUTA / NEL MDCXII. Edge: Plain. Ross M201 (R1); von Hoydonck 152; Reinecke 50. Choice Mint State. Rich red-brown surfaces, with great brilliance. A few minor stains are noted around the dome on the obverse, though these can be somewhat obfuscated given different lighting. Please refer to the video for the most complete in-hand appearance. Compare to an inferior example from the Q. David Bowers Collection in Stack's Bowers ANA sale (16 August 2021), lot 45187 (which sold for a total of $480). $465.
Located in what is now the Vatican City—the Papal enclave situated entirely within Rome—St. Peter's Basilica was planned by then-Popes Nicholaus V and Julius II to replace the old St. Peter's Basilica. Begun in 1506 and completed in 1626, it is the largest church in the world, with respect to its interior, and is the most renowned structure of Renaissance architecture. An iconic site for pilgrimages, its famous dome still features rather prominently in any skyline of Rome.
From what is today eastern Netherlands and western Germany, the Wieners were a Jewish family of exceptional medalists, especially known for numerous numismatic works throughout the Kingdom of Belgium. Eldest brother Jacob (Jacques), along with younger brothers Leopold and Charles, created some of the finest works of medallic art of the 19th century, and all are particularly noted for their work in the highly detailed and intricate work of architectural renderings.
To read the complete item description, see:
102737 | ITALY. Vatican City. St. Peter's Basilica bronze Medal.
102513 | GERMANY & RUSSIA. Generalfeldmarschall Paul von Hindenburg silver Medal. Issued 1914. The Liberation of East Prussia (33mm, 17.74 g, 12h). By August Hummel & Ludwig Christian Lauer in Nürnberg. GENERALFELDM v BENECKENDORFF u HINDENBURG, uniformed bust facing slightly left // ZUR BEFREIUNG OSTPREUSSENS, nude soldier left, with the facial features of Hindenburg, wielding sword over Russian bear below. Edge: SILBER 990. Zetzmann 4030; Klose 8.17. Choice Mint State. Deep gray toning, with tremendous iridescence and great brilliance in the fields. $225. Before serving as the president of the German Reich and his unintended role in giving rise to Nazism and Adolf Hitler in 1933, Paul von Hindenburg was a celebrated general within the German Empire, first retiring in 1911. Upon the outbreak of WWI, however, he was called upon to serve once again, where he oversaw a major and much celebrated German victory at Tannenberg in 1914. Following this campaign, Hindenburg's star rose to a national level, paving the way for his ensuing political career during the Weimar period.
To read the complete item description, see:
102513 | GERMANY & RUSSIA. Paul von Hindenburg silver Medal.
103021 | GERMANY. Field Hospital uniface cast bronze Medal. Issued 1914. "Feldlazarett" (66mm, 69.24 g). By Ludwig Gies for Carl Poellath in Schrobenhausen. Tents bearing the Red Cross on knoll, with injured soldiers on gurneys placed in foreground and being carried to a tent // Blank. Edge: C. POELLATH SCHROBENHAUSEN. Klose 14.1; The Art of Devastation –; Frankenhuis 1375; Jones, The Dance of Death 21; Ernsting 57; The Medal 13 (Autumn 1988) p. 65 (fig. 22). Essentially as Cast. Tan-brown surfaces, with a few spots. Very rare and impressive. Ex David B. Simpson Collection. $595.
Contrasting to some of his other medals, in which the soldier is shown in a monolithic, meaningless nature, Gies here takes more of a solemn view of the struggles, with Ernsting in The Medal writing that "...his imagery becomes contemporary again when it involves the misery caused by the war and the tragic fate of those affected by it. No neat nurses look after the wounded when their shattered bodies are carried to the tents of the field hospital."
To read the complete item description, see:
103021 | GERMANY. Field Hospital uniface cast bronze Medal.
102981 | GREAT BRITAIN & UNITED STATES. "Saint Gaudens/Eakins" bronze Medal. Issued 1988 (59mm, 114.49 g, 12h). By Leonard Baskin for the British Art Medal Society, and struck by Fattorini. •SAINT–GAUDENS•, bust of Augustus Saint-Gaudens left, wearing frock coat // •EAKINS•, bust of Thomas Eakins left, wearing frock coat. Edge: Plain. Attwood 54; The Medal 13, p. 128. Gem Mint State. Brassy-bronze surfaces, with a charming matte nature. A fairly scarce offering celebrating two of America's more celebrated artists, and with a total output of just 50 pieces. $295.
Leonard Baskin (1922-2000) was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, studying sculpture in New York and then living for a spell in both Paris and Pisa. Upon returning to America, he began teaching at Smith College. About him and this medal, the workup in The Medal 13 (Autumn 1988) mentions that "...his rejection of abstraction and commitment to traditional modelling techniques was unusual amongst sculptors of the time, and has been retained throughout his career. He is now one of America's most acclaimed sculptors, and is also widely known as a printmaker and book illustrator. For ten years he lived in Devon, attracted there by his friendship with Ted Hughes whose poems he has illustrated. Thomas Eakins and Augustus Saint-Gaudens are amongst Baskin's personal heroes. The former was portrayed by the artist in the early 1960s in a maple-wood statuette and a copper relief, and he has produced two bronze reliefs entitled 'Homage to Augustus Saint-Gaudens'. These, and other, works by Baskin are reproduced in Irma B Jaffé's 'The Sculpture of Leonard Baskin' (New York, 1980)." This item was featured in our E-Sylum ad.
To read the complete item description, see:
102981 | GREAT BRITAIN & UNITED STATES. "Saint Gaudens/Eakins" bronze Medal.
Stack's Bowers will be selling an electrotype of the famous British Museum specimen of the 1794 dollar in their Spring 2025 Showcase Auction. SBG Senior Numismatist Greg Cohen published this article. -Garrett
The price of any 1794 silver dollar places it out of the range of most collectors. For the 125 to 150 known examples, most are low-grade and/or problem coins, and these carry price tags starting in the mid-five figures. Coins higher up on the grading scale are worth well into the six figures, and those at the very top of the Census bring seven-figures. Thus, any time a 1794 silver dollar comes in it is an exciting event.
A few months back, an inquiry was submitted to Andrew Bowers that contained a sampling of silver coins and other common date coins. In the middle of the picture was a seemingly high grade 1794 silver dollar, which looked very promising (i.e. it did not have the look of the countless fakes we see often, purchased online through various websites). Andrew had the client send better photos and ascertain the weight. After reviewing the information with Vicken Yegparian, they asked the owner to submit it to us for in-person evaluation.
After reviewing the literature, the coin seemed to match the example housed in the British Museum in terms of definition. Careful inspection of the edge reviewed a small "RR" stamp within the standard lettering. The RR stands for Robert Cooper Ready, who was hired by the British Museum in 1859 to create electrotype copies of coins, medals, and seals in the collection for study and display purposes. Eventually he produced some 22,000 electrotypes for the museum; his sons followed in his footsteps, continuing this work up until 1931. With permission from the British Museum, many of Ready's electrotypes were sold to other museums and private collectors worldwide. Most often seen in the market are his very skilled copies of ancient coins. Less known are rarities such as this 1794 dollar.
The British Museum's 1794 dollar is one of the most famous of the few survivors of this first year of issue for the American dollar. No one in 1794 would have thought that the 1,758 that were struck would be the inauguration of the power of the American dollar and the economy it represents in 2025. In 1796, Sarah Sophia Banks purchased her specimen from Captain Hawkins Whitshed. After her death in 1818, her collection, including her 1794 silver dollar, was donated to the British Museum. Martin Logies lists the British Museum example as #10 on his Condition Census, calling it AU-58, harshly cleaned, and notes that it is struck from Die State III. The electrotype presented clearly shows the striking weakness on the peripheries, as well as the mint-made adjustment marks. Richly and originally toned with a mix of russet, copper-gold, and olive, this piece has a fantastic visual appearance
Submitted to PCGS for grading, this Robert Ready Electrotype 1794 dollar is graded AU-58. It presents an important opportunity for a collector to add a highly appealing filler example to their collection without spending close to $1 million for a genuine piece of comparable quality.
To read the complete article, see:
Rare and Historic Robert Ready Electrotype of British Museum's 1794 Dollar to Cross The Block In Spring 2025 Rarities Night
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
In another article Stack's Bowers Senior Numismatist Greg Cohen discussed highlights of the Richard August Collection of Early American medals in their Spring 2025 Showcase Auction. -Garrett
Anchoring our Spring Showcase Auction's wide selection of Numismatic Americana is the Richard August Collection of Early American medals and Washingtoniana. Mr. August, a connoisseur and a true gentleman in every sense, assembled over the course of more than half a century one of the most important collections of Early American medals to cross the auction block. While some collectors seek completeness in various series, Dick's approach was to buy what looked interesting. In following his advice, I reviewed the catalog and selected a few highlights that stand out. While perhaps not as valuable as his beautiful silver Libertas Americana medal, these are all rare and stand out on their own merits as highlights in this incredible collection.
This is just a handful of the incredible rarities from the Richard August Collection in our Spring Showcase Auction. Be sure to review all the great pieces. If you have any questions regarding any of these spectacular and historic pieces, do not hesitate to reach out to any of our experts.
The Spring 2025 Showcase Auction is available for viewing and pre-sale bidding at StacksBowers.com. To consign to a Stack's Bowers Galleries auction call 800-458-4646 or email Consign@StacksBowers.com.
To read the complete article, see:
The Richard August Collection of Early American Medals - An Overview of Highlights
John Lumea of the Emperor Norton Trust noticed this Norton I Imperial Treasury Bond Certificate in the Stack's Bowers Spring 2025 Showcase Auction. Thanks! These are very cool items. I've owned reprints, but never an original. -Editor
San Francisco, California. Imperial Government of Norton I. 1870s 50 Cents. PMG Very Fine 25.
No. 2890. A piece of ephemera by any objective measure. This item nonetheless has ties to one of the most colorful and eccentric personalities to call San Francisco home during the Nineteenth Century. The colorful history of this beloved eccentric and his rise to power and fame can be traced back to the late 1840s when San Francisco sat on the cusp of explosive growth thanks to the influx of prospectors and fortune-seekers attracted by the California Gold Rush from across the world and the United States.
Born in England in 1818, Joshua Abraham Norton emigrated with his parents to South Africa at the age of two, He came to California in 1849 where he worked as a commission merchant. Successful to a degree; Norton attempted to corner to the rice market in 1852 which nearly bankrupted him before subsequent legal battles left him destitute and essentially penniless. In September 1859, Norton would proclaim himself as "Emperor of the United States" in a rambling albeit brief and verbose manifesto that would be printed in the San Francisco Bulletin.
Norton would see his figure become almost larger than life in the 20 years that followed. From outlandish proclamations which "abolished" the United States Congress and the Democratic and Republican parties, Norton also saw fit to use his "power" in more mundane ways by levying a $25 fine on using the word "Frisco" instead of San Francisco (although some believe that story was fabricated in the early 20th century) or by issuing "Bonds of the Empire" like this one which offered fictitious returns of various percentages.
Such outlandish actions were met by Norton's figure which is best illustrated by his preference for wearing a disheveled uniform complete with a sword and other seemingly regal embellishments such as a beaver hat or umbrella. His presence even commanded the respect of San Franciscans, who would greet him as "your royal highness" or even shopkeepers who would often indulge in the "taxes" Norton would levy, sometimes without success.
Norton's reign would come to an end upon his death in January 1880. His legacy is a monument to his eccentric nature and seemingly colorful life defined by his larger-than-life figure that is largely confined to the pages of contemporary newspapers and history books and the minds of the relative few who know of him.
Few reminders of his "rule" survive in the present with hand-signed bonds like this one a rare sight at auction as most undoubtedly fell victim to the ravages of time and circumstance making this item a must-have for the numismatist who either calls San Francisco home or for someone who simply appreciates the more eccentric and unusual personalities that populate the annals of countless history books. This note is pictured in Paper Dreams in the Golden State on page 201. PMG comments "Stained."
To read the complete lot description, see:
San Francisco, California. Imperial Government of Norton I. 1870s 50 Cents. PMG Very Fine 25.
For more information on the Emperor Norton Trust, see:
To read earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
Tuesday March 18th brought the monthly dinner meeting of my Northern Virginia Numismatic Social group Nummis Nova. Eric Schena was our host, at Seasons 52 in Tyson's. The restaurant was in a large mall next to a Cheesecake Factory. I parked in a nearby garage. I was late because of traffic and a missed turn (causing me to swear like a Longshoreman with Tourette's Syndrome), but a few seats remained and I squeezed in next to Jon Radel and across from Eric.
Next to Eric was Dave Schenkman, sporting a nose bandage from a minor operation. We told him he must have stuck it where it didn't belong. He was a good sport. Others already at the table included Mike Packard, John Kraljevich, Wayne Herndon, Robert Hoppensteadt, Erik Douglas, Wayne's guest Evan Saltis and my guest Kellen Hoard. Soon Julian Leidman and Roger Burdette arrived to complete our group for the evening. Later in the evening Kellen took this group photo.
Clockwise from front left: Erik Douglas, Evan Saltis, Jon Radel, Wayne Homren, Julian Leidman, Roger Burdette, Mike Packard, John Kraljevich, Eric Schena, Dave Schenkman, Wayne Herndon, and Robert Hoppensteadt.
As usual, I had some new numismatic literature to pass around, starting with some current periodicals. Unsurprisingly, some of these included articles by people at the table. I took the above group picture at home - the table was too cramped for many displays.
Also above is a photo of my meal - a salmon salad. It was tasty, and everyone's meal looked great. Below are a few more shots I was able to take as the food arrived and people began digging in. But first, the other literature I brought - three books and an auction catalog.
Paper Money Galore!
Jon Radel flaunted his wealth with this brick of 1,000 Venezuelan 500 mil Bolivar notes (500,000 Bolivares).
Jon also displayed this cool binder combining a presentation about the nominations for the International Bank Note Society's 2024 Banknote of the Year competition with examples of the actual notes.
Jon adds:
"To the extent that exchange rates mean anything in cases of hyperinflation, my best determination, at the time I acquired the notes from someone in Colombia, was that the entire brick was equivalent to about 13 US dollars."
As usual, a number of other great numismatic items got passed around the table. Here are some examples.
Ancient Architecture on Coins
Robert Hoppensteadt collects ancient coins depicting architecture. Here are two nice items he brought along, with his comments.
Large bronze of Augusta Traiana struck for the emperor Caracalla with a wonderful city gate reverse.
A bronze of Anazarbus struck for Germanicus with a reverse of the acropolis of that city on a hilltop with a bust of Zeus in the foreground.
1815 New Haven Scrip
Dave Schenkman brought a nice AU slabbed 1795 half dime and this neat scrip note issued in New Haven, CT during the War of 1812.
A History of Ancient Rome in Twelve Coins
And there was more numismatic literature at the table, too - Kellen brought a copy of this recently reviewed book.
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
As I usually remark here, it was another great night of numismatic fellowship. I never feel more civilized than when I'm out for a meal with good friends while learning something and enjoying our common interest. 'Til next time.
Mike Markowitz wrote an article in CoinWeek on the coins of Domitian. An excerpt is found below. -Garrett
Titus Flavius Domitianus – better known as Domitian – has gotten a raw deal from historians, thanks largely to Rome's ace gossip columnist, Suetonius (lived c. 69-122). Born on October 24, 51 CE at Rome, Domitian was the younger son of Vespasian, who ruled as Emperor from 69 to 79. For much of his life he was overshadowed by his brother, the popular Emperor Titus, who was 10 years Domitian's senior (17 centuries later, Mozart wrote an opera celebrating the "clemency of Titus"; poor, nasty Domitian hasn't gotten any operas). Following the premature death of his brother at the age of 41 (September 13, 81), Domitian was proclaimed Emperor by the Praetorian Guard. He would rule for 15 years until he was assassinated in a palace coup. The abundant collectible coins of Domitian in all metals illustrate a critical period in Roman imperial history.
Domitian and Titus as Caesars
Vespasian was victorious in the chaotic civil war that followed the death of Nero (the "Year of Four Emperors"). He awarded his sons the title of Caesar, which in this era meant something like "junior co-emperor" and "designated successor". A gold aureus of Vespasian datable to 71 CE shows his two sons on horseback, with the inscription "Titus and Domitian, Caesars and Princes of the Youth". Princeps juventutis ("Prince of the Youth") was an honorary title dating back to the Roman Republic that was awarded to young men who performed an ancient equestrian ritual.
Temple of Vesta
During the reign of his father, coins were struck in the name of Domitian as Caesar. A notable example has a reverse depicting the Temple of Vesta in Rome, which still partially stands. This circular structure housed the sacred flame tended by the Vestal Virgins. This coin, which may come from the famous Boscoreale Hoard of 1895, has a pedigree dating back to the 1909 sale of the collection of British archaeologist Sir John Evans. In a 2024 U.S. auction, it realized $20,000 against an estimate of $15,000.
Minerva Aureus
Domitian had a special devotion to the cult of the goddess Minerva. After he became emperor, she appeared on a high percentage of his coins. A gold aureus datable to 82 CE bears the head of Minerva on the reverse, wearing an elaborate crested helmet and body armor, emphasizing her role as a war goddess. She is surrounded by an inscription listing some of Domitian's titles, carried over from the obverse.
To read the complete article, see:
The Coins of Domitian
In 2023 we discussed the gigantic "coin" honoring Queen Elizabeth II produced by the East India Company. Kavan Ratnatunga submitted this update. Thanks! -Editor
This article mentions a value of $23M for lengthy crafting processes, which called in artisans from the UK and India to Singapore, Germany, and Sri Lanka and took over a year to produce.
Queen Elizabeth II is being paid a diamond-studded tribute on the one-year anniversary of her death. On Monday, London-based luxury lifestyle brand East India Company unveiled a new gold coin, produced in her honor, clad in 6,426 GIA certified natural diamonds.
Roughly the size of a large dinner plate or a basketball, the piece, appropriately named "The Crown Coin," has been crafted from nearly 8 pounds of gold.
With a diameter of over 9.6 inches, the special, solitary luxury object features a collection of 11 24-carat gold coins, with the centerpiece coin weighing in at over 2 pounds.
To read the complete article, see:
A Coin Drenched in Over 6,000 Diamonds Pays Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II
This article said the coin was worth 18M Pounds.
To read the complete article, see:
COSTLY COIN Incredible rare coin worth £18MILLION with 4kg of gold and more than 6,000 diamonds is unveiled in honour of the Queen
Two years later this SPINK post asks 5.8M Pounds.
To read the complete article, see:
Where have all the high-end collectors gone?
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Bob Rhue's exhibit of "The Colored Seal Notes of Colonial Georgia" won the American Numismatic Association's Howland Wood Memorial Award for Best-of-Show exhibit in 2017. His exhibit was photographed and memorialized on the ANA website. This series of articles dives into each of the seven exhibit cases with high-resolution images of each note. To the casual observer the notes look similar, but a closer look reveals a multitude of interesting detail.
This week we wrap up the series with a dive into the contents of Case 7 of 7. -Editor
To read the complete exhibit pages, see:
The Colored Seal Notes of Colonial Georgia
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
Colonial Georgia Colored Seals, Part 1
Colonial Georgia Colored Seals, Part 2
Colonial Georgia Colored Seals, Part 3
Colonial Georgia Colored Seals, Part 4
Colonial Georgia Colored Seals, Part 5
Colonial Georgia Colored Seals, Part 6
Here are some additional items in the media this week that may be of interest. -Editor
A Coin World article reported that U.S. Mint Director Ventris Gibson is stepping down. Here's a short excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
Ventris C. Gibson, the 40th director of the United States Mint, announced to bureau staff across the country that she will retire from the position effective March 31 despite more than two years left on her presidentially appointed five-year term.
Gibson was asked to step down to accommodate President Trump's yet unannounced appointee to the 41st directorship of the United States Mint. Whoever Trump nominates will need the approval from a vote of the full Senate.
The Treasury Department hierarchy informed Gibson by telephone of the wishes of the president. The Mint director's five-year term is a special term appointment that allows the director to remain in office until such time as the incoming chief executive decides otherwise.
Gibson joined the U.S. Mint as deputy director and acting director on Oct. 25, 2021, and was approved by the full Senate June 22, 2022, to a five year term.
With Gibson's departure, the bureau will be directed in the interim by Deputy Director Kristie McNally.
Gibson regularly met with collectors at events such as the ANA World's Fair of Money, and was part of the Mint delegation to last year's dedication of the new headstone for the third Chief Engraver of the U.S. Mint, Christian Gobrecht. -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
Gibson retires from Mint Director's position
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Another Coin World article notes that the fate of the third San Francisco Mint is under review. Here's a short excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
President Trump and the Elon Musk-led Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) have now targeted the San Francisco Mint for closure in a bid to sell the real estate on which the National Register of Historic Places structure stands, theoretically to reduce government expenses.
The facility has been the stalwart of numismatic sets, primarily Proof coinage and medals, for decades, having first being pressed into service in 1937 at 155 Hermann Street. The San Francisco Mint has also produced coins for general circulation. It served as an assay office for a time before being returned to full Mint status on March 31, 1988, under the same law, Public Law 100–274, that established the West Point Mint as a full Mint from a bullion depository.
The San Francisco Mint is not open to the general public. The San Francisco Mint employs 152 people.
None of the U.S. Mint facilities receives appropriations determined by Congress. All funding is derived from the U.S. Mint's Public Enterprise Fund, established under Mint reform legislation in 1996, that receives revenue from the profits generated from what the Mint produces: numismatic product, commemorative coin, bullion coin and circulating coin sales.
Since the PEF's establishment, more than $17 billion has been returned to the Treasury to help reduce the national debt.
So clearly the Mint is not a money-losing operation, but still, the real estate it sits on could be quite valuable if sold. Moving the manufacturing operation and demolishing the sturdy fortified structure could be expensive, though. Perhaps a buyer could be found who would repurpose the existing building.
Back on the mid-1980s I visited an old roommate who'd moved to San Francisco. I spent a day touring the city on foot, and walked miles to get to the Mint site only to learn that it was closed to the public with no tours. Poor planning on my part, but those were the days before the internet. It was a long but fun day despite that disappointment. -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
Fate of west coast Mint could be up in the air
The U.S. Mint has apparently backpedaled and restored the January 6th medals to its website. I confirmed this before publication this evening. -Editor
A commemorative bronze duplicate of the Congressional Gold Medal awarded to police officers who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, is once again available for purchase, just a little more than a week after it was found to have abruptly vanished from the U.S. Mint's website.
HuffPost first noted the coin's removal in late February. When reached for comment at the time, the Mint did not say why the coin had been removed and said only that it "periodically" conducted a review of its portfolio to "focus on those products with the broadest appeal to collectors and other customers."
The Mint ignored repeated inquiries specifically seeking answers on whose decision it was to remove the coin. D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges, who was attacked on Jan. 6, 2021, by rioters supporting President Donald Trump, said he also asked the Mint many times about the coin's removal.
To read the complete article, see:
Jan. 6 Coin Reinstated After Mint's Mysterious Removal
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
This Washington Post article takes a look at the state of hobbies today. Here's an excerpt - see the complete article online. -Editor
We are supposed to be living in the golden age of hobbies. Great thinkers of the 20th century believed that innovations in technology would make work so efficient that leisure would eclipse labor. In 1930, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted 15-hour workweeks by 2030. This would leave people the opportunity to "cultivate into a fuller perfection, the art of life itself."
This would include hobbies, activities that Benjamin Hunnicutt, an emeritus professor of Leisure Studies at the University of Iowa, calls "pursuits that are their own reward." The opportunity to pursue joyful and meaningful activities was once "sort of the definition of human progress," Hunnicutt said.
The odds are stacked against hobbies. "Work has been supercharged with meaning and purpose and identity, a charge that it never had, at least for the majority of people," Hunnicutt said. The seamlessness of streaming and the narcotic effects of scrolling make every other activity feel effortful. To pay the bills, huge swaths of Americans take on "side hustles" during hours that earlier generations might have spent building model trains or singing in a choir.
These cultural conditions mean that hobbies can feel like a kind of class signifier for those who have the time and resources to cultivate them — Instagram influencers do Pilates and pottery, while the rest of us try to decide if meal prep counts as personal enrichment. For many, hobbies can seem like another chore, an opportunity to fail at well-roundedness.
All of this obscures the delight and exhilaration of having hobbies. "Hobbies are something that you invest your time and energy into without that expectation of financial return," said Jasmine Cho, author of the 2024 book "Get A Hobby." Cho defines "hobby" expansively: "any sort of activity that grounds you in joy, can help you cope with sorrow, and can help you escape from life's burdens." (Cho's hobbies include journaling, doodling, boxing, taekwondo, Legos, Gundam models and puzzles.) "It's just a practice of flow and getting lost, or even hyper-focused," she said. "That, in and of itself, is the reward."
I notice that there's no mention of "collecting" in this description of hobbies. But collecting is alive and well, in numismatics and elsewhere. And while I would agree that a hobby should have no "expectation of financial return," for me the key word is "expectation". I've always thought that any sufficiently advanced collector is indistinguishable from a dealer or investor. We just hold onto things longer in general. But to advance in collecting often entails ramping up purchases and the inevitable selling to offload duplicates and free up funds for new collection additions. Some become serial collectors, building up and selling one collection after another, always moving on to new horizons.
So I disagree with the following statement in the article. -Editor
And if you monetize your hobby, it's not a hobby anymore. "Once it flips into something that generates income, it becomes work," she said.
To supercharge my collecting of numismatic literature, I put out my shingle as a dealer, eventually buying thousands of books individually or in bulk by purchasing entire libraries. Sure it was work, but it was also a joy. Opening each letter, email or box was a delight of anticipation - the potential chance to add something new to my library, or at least find something to sell at a small profit, generating some money to pay for the next acquisition. It was a delightful daily diversion from the routines of (other) work and duties. My life is richer for it in so many ways - through this hobby I've learned far, far more about history, economics, art, and money than I ever got from schooling or reading alone, and the wide range of people I've gotten to meet and know is another treasure I hold dear. All thanks to a hobby. -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
We should be living in the golden age of hobbies. What happened?
This week opened with a note from Pete Smith pointing out that I'd messed up the date in headlines throughout last week's issue. Oops! But thanks! Bruce Perdue has made the fix in our archive. When I made the template for the issue I set up the date throughout as usual, not noticing that that I'd entered "MARCH 11" vs "MARCH 16". So much for my proofreading skills.
Unlike last week, I was able to get an early start this time. I had a routine medical appointment Monday morning and stayed home the rest of the day for a change, rather than commuting to the office. That allowed me to get a head start on creating the issue and adding in a number of Notes From E-Sylum Readers.
The next evening was my monthly Nummis Nova dinner, which I wrote about in my Diary article in this issue. Having made restroom visits during and after the dinner, and again as soon as I got home, this poem popped into my head:
My bladder's the size of a lemon
I can pee on command
twenty-four seven
I'll end with links to some interesting non-numismatic items I came across this week. Enjoy.
25 history 'facts' that are completely untrue
Centennial Bulb glows strong at age 124, a survivor in turbulent times
Wayne Homren
Wayne Homren is the founding editor of The E-Sylum and a consultant for the Newman Numismatic Portal. His collecting interests at various times included U.S. Encased Postage Stamps, merchant counterstamps, Pittsburgh Obsolete paper money, Civil War tokens and scrip, Carnegie Hero Medals, charge coins and numismatic literature. He also collects and has given presentations on the work of Money Artist J.S.G. Boggs. In the non-numismatic world he's worked in artificial intelligence, data science, and as a Program Manager for the U.S. Department of Defense.
Garrett Ziss
Garrett Ziss is a numismatic collector and researcher, with a focus on American paper money and early U.S. silver and copper coins. He is also a part-time U.S. coin cataloger for Heritage Auctions. Garrett assists Editor Wayne Homren by editing and formatting a selection of articles and images each week. When he's not engaged in numismatics, Garrett is a Senior Honors student at the University of Pittsburgh.
Pete Smith
Numismatic researcher and author Pete Smith of Minnesota has written about early American coppers, Vermont coinage, numismatic literature, tokens and medals, the history of the U.S. Mint and much more. Author of American Numismatic Biographies, he contributes original articles to The E-Sylum often highlighting interesting figures in American numismatic history.
Greg Bennick
Greg Bennick (www.gregbennick.com) is a keynote speaker and long time coin collector with a focus on major mint error coins and US counterstamps. He is on the board of both CONECA and TAMS and enjoys having in-depth conversations with prominent numismatists from all areas of the hobby. Have ideas for other interviewees? Contact him anytime on the web or via instagram
John Nebel
Numismatist, photographer, and ANS Board member and Fellow John Nebel of Boulder, CO helped the ANA and other clubs like NBS get online in the early days of the internet, hosting websites gratis through his Computer Systems Design Co. To this day he hosts some 50 ANA member club sites along with our
coinbooks.org site, making the club and our E-Sylum archive available to collectors and researchers worldwide.
Bruce Perdue
Encased coinage collector (encasedcoins.info) Bruce Perdue of Aurora, Illinois has been the volunteer NBS webmaster from its early days and works each week to add the latest E-Sylum issue to our archive and send out the email announcement.