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Welcome to the Numismatic Bibliomania Society mailing for November 6, 1998. CLARIFICATION The lists of "New Members" shown in previous mailings refer only to the NBS email list, not the organization as a whole. The number of members stated last time (115) reflects only the number of subscribers to the email list, not NBS as a whole. UPCOMING KOLBE SALES NBS co-founder and numismatic literature dealer George Kolbe reports highlights of his next two sales. For information on ordering the catalogs, contact George at NUMISLIT@compuserve.com Part One of the Harry W. Bass, Jr. Library, Sale 75, will take place on December 12, 1998. The sale features U. S. rarities, i.e. first 6 vols. Numismatist & Chapman Bid Books, plus classic works on ancient and foreign coins. Sale estimates total over $200,000 US. Sale 76, "Important Numismatic Books," will take place on December 15, 1998. The sale features early printed books, over 100 printed before 1800, plus classic works on ancient and foreign numismatics, and rare U. S. periodicals: Frossard's Numisma complete, Scott CCJ & Mehl Monthly complete plus Heath Counterfeit Detectors, 2 BEP vignette books, etc. Sale estimates total $175,000 US. SHOW-N-TELL Do you have an interesting new acquisition for your numismatic library? Don't be shy, tell us about it. Go ahead, brag. Drop me a few lines and I'll publish them in future mailings. DID YOU KNOW ... ... that American Numismatic Association members can request that their copy of The Numismatist be mailed in an envelope? This keeps your issues clean and avoids the unsightly mailing label on the cover. It's a good thing to do if you're trying to keep your set up to date. FEATURED WEB SITE Today's featured numismatic web site is "COINS OF THE U.K.", by Tony Clayton, a series of pages dealing with the history of individual denominations used in England since the Norman Conquest: http://www.tclayton.demon.co.uk/coins.html Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society http://www.money.org/club_nbs.html (To be removed from this mailing list write to me at homren@cgi.com) |
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