In response to my question about Walter Breen's "Cynic's
Dictionary, David Fanning writes:
"I don't know the answer to
this question, though I've wondered about the Dictionary fairly
often. I was a good friend of Walter's and stayed with him for
three weeks ten years ago, during which time I read much of
the manuscript/typescript.
I have copies of a number of entries, mostly included by him
in letters to me. I got out of the coin business in 1990 and so
don't know if he published any of the definitions in numismatic
publications around that time (except in the Legacy interview).
In a letter to me written on Sept. 28, 1989, he wrote
"I have
been working on this project since 1982; it is complete but in
process of updating. My agent is enthusiastically showing it to
various NY publishers, almost certain that one or another will
buy it. The latest news is that Oxford Univ. Press wanted it
but that someone upstairs (outranking their editor in chief) was
scared off by its extremely controversial political positions and
its use of four-letter words. It exposes every sacred cow I can
find as baloney in drag."
One of the definitions I have is for "Coin Dealer," which reads
as follows:
coin dealers n. phr. Apt to believe themselves prey of
cherrypickers. Nevertheless, many brag to their peers
about the rarities they just cherrypicked from some walk-in
yokel. Prov. 20:14; Isaiah 24:16.
Even some of the least educated display the title
"Professional Numismatis," like Eeyore's tail pinned to
his rump. Their pitfalls are greed, dishonesty, and stupidity.
God bless the rare exceptions.
I lost touch with his family after he died and so don't know
what became of this book. I'd very much like to read it."
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