John W. Adams writes:
"In the last issue, Mr. Leonard
expresses his doubts about a specific Blake & Agnell gold
bar. Be it said that there are rebuttals to all the points he
makes - i.e. other Western gold bars contain misspellings
(e.g. Parsons, e.g.Schultz), other gold bars/coins of the period
are 6% or more light (see Eckfeldt & Dubois) and other
known bars presumed to be good do not look like some of
those found in the wreck of the Central America (e.g. Moffat).
These points made, Mr. Leonard could still be right in his
contention. What we learned from this extended controversy
is that the most reliable means of testing any given piece is a
non-destructive assay; there is a fingerprint to the composition
of these items that appears to be definitive.
Blake & Agnell aside, I would like to urge E-Sylum readers to
take a few hours to decipher the whole argument. All that is
required (other than the time) is the last two issues of the AJN
(obtainable from the A.N.S.) and the tape of the Great Debate
(obtainable from the A.N.A.). The points to be learned from
Mr.Buttrey's and Mr. Hodder's presentations, along with
comparisons thereof, are so many as to amount to a graduate
course in numismatics. Note that there may be one more
chapter to be written: Mr.Buttrey is being sued for libel by
Stack's and John Ford; Mr. B's most obvious defense will be
to prove that his various allegations are the truth."
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