Join NBS Today!

The Numismatic Bibliomania Society (NBS) is an educational association founded in 1979 to support and promote the use and collecting of numismatic literature. Numismatic literature includes books, periodicals, catalogs and other written or printed material relating to coins, medals, tokens, or paper money, ancient or modern, U.S. or worldwide. Membership is open to any individual or association interested in the study of numismatics and the study and collecting of numismatic literature.

Join Using Check or Money Order

To join the NBS using check or money order download the application by clicking on NBS Membership Application print the form, fill it out and return along with a check or money order for your membership dues (Dues are payable in US dollars and should be drawn on US banks) to:

  • One-Year Membership/Print and Digital Membership: (U.S.) - $45 (International) - $65
  • One-Year Membership/Digital-Only Membership: (U.S./International) - $25
  • Three-Year Membership/Print and Digital Membership: (U.S.) - $135 (International) - $195
  • Three-Year Membership Digital-Only (U.S./International) - $75
  • Lifetime Membership: (U.S.) $1000 - (International) - $1500
  • Age Over 60 Digital & Print - $500.00 USD
  • Age Over 60 Digital & Print - (International) - $750.00 USD
  • Junior Membership: (U.S.) - $10 Print

Numismatic Bibliomania Society
c/o Jeff Dickerson, NBS Treasurer
P.O. Box 578
Weatherford TX 76086
Or, to pay via PayPal, use one of the buttons below:

Join Using PayPal

1 Year New Member Options
1 Year Renewal Options
Three Year Membership
Lifetime Membership

Youth One Year Membership Option

As a member of NBS, you'll receive a valuable back issue of The Asylum (the society's official print journal) and all subsequent print issues upon publication.

Other Benefits include:

  • Invitation to participate in the society's Annual Events: the General Membership Meeting, Educational Symposiums, and a fund raising auction (all held along with the ANA's World Fair of Money each August).
  • Voting to select NBS Officers and recipients of the Society's annual literary awards - the Joel J. Orosz Award (best new article in The Asylum) and the Jack Collins Award (best new author).
  • Members are also encouraged to submit original manuscripts to the Editor to be considered for publication in The Asylum.

NBS is a proud supporter of both the ANA and ANS libraries.

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To Become a sponsor of the NBS web site and/or The E-Sylum, contact Wayne Homren